Whilst every patient has unique needs the below guidance should help to initially outline what you can expect when visiting a prosthetic centre for the first time.
Your first visit
At your first appointment, we will discuss the history of your condition and how it effects your daily life, we will then conduct thorough biomechanics assessment. This will allow us to identify your functional needs and work with you to develop an orthotic treatment plan that is able to meet your goals and expected outcomes. As Steeper Group works closely with universities providing prosthetics and orthotics training, there may also be a student present as part of their training.
There are many different types of orthoses available which have specific features to relieve or reduce pain, provide support and improve comfort. Orthoses may be available as an off the shelf, ready-made option which may be provided immediately or may be custom manufactured for your individual needs so will be provided at a later date. Due to the specialist nature of the orthoses provided your orthosis may not be exactly the same as those you see other people using.
Fitting and delivery of your orthosis
The next appointment will generally be for the fitting of your orthosis. It usually takes between two to four weeks between appointments although this may vary depending on the type of orthosis required and any interim trail fit stages required.
You will try on the orthosis and your orthotists will check for fit, comfort and function.
If the fit of your orthosis is acceptable, your orthotist will provide guidance to you about how to use your prescribed orthosis and how to look after it.
Follow-up appointments
You are likely to be given regular appointments to review your progress and to check that your orthosis is working as it should.
If you develop any problems with your orthosis and wish to be seen before your planned review, you should phone your centre to request an additional appointment.
For further information on the orthotic services we provide please contact enquiries@steepergroup.com.